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It is best to view the sewer CCN service area data in conjunction with the sewer CCN facility line data, since these two layers together represent all of the retail public sewer utilities in Texas.*Important Notes: The CCN spatial dataset and metadata were last updated on: December 11, 2015The official state-wide CCN spatial dataset includes all types of CCN services areas: water and sewer CCN service areas; water and sewer CCN facility lines. This CCN spatial dataset is updated on a quarterly, or as needed basis using Geographic Information System (GIS) software called ArcGIS 10.3.1.The complete state-wide CCN spatial dataset is available for download from the following website: http://www.puc.texas.gov/industry/water/utilities/gis.aspxThe Water and Sewer CCN Viewer may be accessed from the following web site: http://www.puc.texas.gov/industry/water/utilities/map.htmlIf you have questions about this CCN spatial dataset or about CCN mapping requirements, please e-mail CCN Mapping Staff: water@puc.texas.govTYPE - This numeric field indicates whether a CCN is considered a water or a sewer system. If the CCN number begins with a '\"1\", the CCN is considered a water system (utility). 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It is best to view the water CCN service area data in conjunction with the water CCN facility line data, since these two layers together represent all of the retail public water utilities in Texas.*Important Notes: The CCN spatial dataset and metadata were last updated on: December 11, 2015The official state-wide CCN spatial dataset includes all types of CCN services areas: water and sewer CCN service areas; water and sewer CCN facility lines. This CCN spatial dataset is updated on a quarterly, or as needed basis using Geographic Information System (GIS) software called ArcGIS 10.3.1.The complete state-wide CCN spatial dataset is available for download from the following website: http://www.puc.texas.gov/industry/water/utilities/gis.aspxThe Water and Sewer CCN Viewer may be accessed from the following web site: http://www.puc.texas.gov/industry/water/utilities/map.htmlIf you have questions about this CCN spatial dataset or about CCN mapping requirements, please e-mail CCN Mapping Staff: water@puc.texas.govTYPE - This numeric field indicates whether a CCN is considered a water or a sewer system. If the CCN number begins with a '\"1\", the CCN is considered a water system (utility). If a CCN number begins with a \"2\", the CCN is considered a sewer system (utility).CCN - This five-digit alphanumeric field contains a unique number assigned to each CCN when it is created and approved by the Commission.UTILITY - This alphanumeric field contains the name of the utility which owns the CCN.TX_CNTY - This three-character alphanumeric field contains the Texas county code assigned to the Texas county by the TxDOT. This code represents the county which completely contains the CCN. If the CCN crosses county lines, then an \"M\" is used to indicate multiple counties. COUNTY - This alphanumeric field contains the name(s) of the county(ies) referenced in TX_CNTY. 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